Andris Mucenieks

Andris Mucenieks

Andris Mucenieks, Dr hist, is a historian, writer, and musician. He is the author of Saxo Grammaticus: Hierocratical Conceptions and Danish Hegemony in the Thirteenth Century, several chapters and articles in English, Portuguese, and Latvian, and textbooks. Andris taught History of Church, Archaeology, Medieval History, and History of Music for more than ten years in several institutions, including the Federal University of Ouro Preto, the Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo, and a short time as visitor at the Latvijas Kristīgā akadēmija.

Human Sacrifices and War Sacrifices in the Viking Age Scandinavia

Gotlandic picture stone from Stora Hammars I, in Lärbro parish, Sweden, displaying a Valknut and possibly depicting a Viking Age sacrifice.
Sacrifices have been common religious practices all around the world since prehistoric times. Nevertheless, there was an extensive and sometimes heated debate over whether medieval reports on sacrifices in the Viking Age, especially human sacrifices, refer to actual events or were fabricated reports to denigrate the pagan faiths.