
About Us

Kurlandly is dedicated to unearthing the Viking Age of the Eastern Baltic. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of knowledge presented by Dr Andris Mucenieks (Andre Muceniecks), advisory board member in the Saga Conference.

Andris Mucenieks
Andris Mucenieks, Dr hist

A historian, archaeologist and theologian specialised in Northern Europe, Andris earned his doctorate in Social History from the University of Sao Paulo in 2014 and his master in Cultural History from the Federal University of Parana.
Andris was a post-doctoral researcher at the State University of Campinas, professor of Medieval History at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2015-2016), lecturer in Church History at the Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo (2015-2018), and guest lecturer in the Latvijas Kristigas Akademija (2021).
He also worked in other fields in the Humanities and arts, such as Survey Archaeology and Music and recently has developed studies in ethnomusicology, experimental archaeology and traditional woodworking.

Author of publications like Saxo Grammaticus: Hierocratical Conceptions and Danish Hegemony in the Thirteenth Century (ARC Humanities Press, 2017), Relationship and Exchange Between the Northern Elites in the Viking and Medieval Baltic Area: The case for the Baltic Psalteries’ Origins (18th International Saga Conference, 2022), or History as a Scam: Confrontation and Resentment between Archaeology and History (in Theories of History: History Read across the Humanities, by Bloomsbury).

Academic Publications

Northern Europe, History, Archaeology, History of Church, Musicology.