

Authored Book

Saxo Grammaticus by Muceniecks

Saxo Grammaticus. Hierocratical Conceptions and Danish Hegemony in the Thirteenth Century, by Andre Muceniecks (Andris Mucenieks) ( https://doi.org/10.1017/9781942401148)

It can be purchased at the Amsterdam University Press, ARC Humanities Press or Amazon.


Doctoral dissertation

Chapters of doctoral dissertation published as journal articles

Master thesis

Book sections, chapters in research books

  • History as a Scam: confrontation and resentment between Archaeology and History. In: ‘Theories of history: History Read Across the Humanities’, edited by Michael J. Kelly and Arthur Rose. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. DOI 10.5040/9781474271332.ch-008
  • Los escandinavos en el este. In: ‘El mundo nórdico medieval: una introducción’, edited by Santiago Barreiro and Renan Birro. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Medievales, 2017, published 2018.
  • Ritos Rus’ (Rites of the Rus’). ‘Dicionário de Mitologia Nórdica: Símbolos, Mitos e Ritos’, edited by Johni Langer. São Paulo: Hedra, 2015. Pp.410-413.
  • Runas/Estelas Rúnicas (Runes and runestones). In: ‘Dicionário de Mitologia Nórdica: Símbolos, Mitos e Ritos’, edited by Johni Langer. São Paulo: Hedra, 2015. Pp.413-417. (Runestones)
  • Saxo Grammaticus. In: ‘Dicionário de Mitologia Nórdica: Símbolos, Mitos e Ritos’, edited by Johni Langer. São Paulo: Hedra, 2015. Pp. 448-451.
  • Sonhos e visões em Saxo Grammaticus – Sécs. XII-XIII (Dreams and visions in Saxo Grammaticus – XII-XIII). In ‘Os sonhos na História’, edited by Ricardo da Costa. Alicanta & Madrid: E-Editorial IVITRA Poliglota. Estudis, Edicions i Traduccions, 2014. Pp.72-84.
  • Revisitando a controvérsia Normanista (Revisiting the normanist controversy) In: ‘Escandinávia Medieval. História e Literatura Germano-Escandinava’, edited by Renan Birro and Johni Langer. Vitória: UFES, 2012, v.6
  • Construções e Visões do Passado em algumas Fontes Escandinavas selecionadas – XII-XIV(Constructions and visions of past in some scandinavian selected sources) In: Idade Média: Religião, Cultura e Política.1 ed. Curitiba : Máquina de Escrever, 2011, pp. 59-80.
  • A expedição de Yngvar ao leste (séc. XI): embates entre Cultura Material vs. Documentação Escrita e Motivações Religiosas e Econômicas (Yngvarr’s expedition to east – Xith century – disagreement between Material Culture and documentation and between economics and religious motivations) In: Pesquisas em Antiguidade e Idade Média – Olhares Interdisciplinares (Vol.IV) ed. Maringá : EDUEM, 2010, v.IV, pp. 189-200.
  • Observações a respeito dos Kuri e a Gesta Danorum (Observations regarding the Kuri and the Gesta Danorum) In: Humanismo Medieval ed.Ijuí : UNIJUI, 2002, pp. 55-68.

Peer-reviewed scientific articles

Journal articles

Conference Proceedings

  • Relationship and Exchange Between the Northern Elites in the Viking and Medieval Baltic Area: The case for the Baltic Psalteries’ Origins. In: Pre-print papers of The 18th International Saga Conference – Sagas and the Circum-Baltic Arena, 2022. pp. 234-42.
  • Evangelicalism in XXI century world politics – new prospects, old temptations. Annual Conference of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Theology – “Kurp ejam? Teoloģija, reliģijpētniecība un garīgums 21. gadsimtā” (Where are we heading? Theology, Religious Research ana Spirituality in 21st Century). 17-18 February, 2020, Rīga.
  • Realidade X Interpretação, Leitura e construções: a centralidade da modernidade enquanto centro da discussão do medievo escandinavo (Reality X Interpretation, readings and constructions – the centrality of Modernity at the center of the discussion on Medieval Scandinavian Age). In: II Seminário internacional de Estudos sobre a Antiguidade e o Medievo. State University of Londrina, 10-13 April, 2018. Londrina, PR, Brazil.
  • As cruzadas do norte e a Cristianização imperfeita do Báltico (sécs. XI-XII) (The northern crusades and imperfect christianization of Baltic). In: I Simpósio de Estudos sobre a Escandinávia Medieval (LEM-NEIBRAM). Faculdade Teológica Batista de São Paulo & Universidade de São Paulo; 03-04/08/2015.
  • The ‘Thematic of the Counselor’ in the Gesta Danorum and the Strengthening of the Danish Hegemony in the Medieval Baltic Area. International Medieval Congress 2014. University of Leeds: Leeds, England.
  • The X and XI centuries as source for Medieval Scandinavian Historians: Methodological and Theoretical considerations about the study of Viking Age Rus´, 2013. University of Leeds, England. Leeds. Networks and Neighbours Symposium.
  • Conversão e Imagem: o caso das estelas rúnicas na Escandinávia (Conversion and Image: the case of runestones in Scandinavia), 2012. Universidade de São Paulo: I Encontro internacional da Imagem Medieval.
  • O papel de Austrvegr e Garðaríki em uma reavaliação do valor literário e histórico das Fornaldarsögur XIV-XV(The role of Austrvegr and Garðaríki in a re-evaluation of literary and historical value of the Fornaldarsögur – XIV-XVth centuries), 2011. X Jornada de Estudos Antigos e Medievais e II Jornada Internacional de Estudos Antigos e Medievais. UNESP-Assis: Assis, SP.
  • O papel revitalizador de Austrvegr nas Fornaldarsögur – XIV-XV (The revitalizing role of Austrvegr in the Fornaldarsögur ), 2011. IV Ciclo Internacional de Estudos Antigos e Medievais. Universidade Estadual de Maringá: Maringá, PR.
  • A Expedição de Yngvar ao Leste (Séc.XI): Embates entre Cultura Material vs. Documentação Escrita e Motivações Religiosas vs. Econômicas (Yngvarr’s expedition to east – Xith century – disagreement between Material Culture and documentation and between economics and religious motivations). VIII Jornada de Estudos Antigos e Medievais e I Jornada Internacional de Estudos Antigos e Medievais, 2009.. Universidade Estadual de Maringá: Maringá, PR.
  • O Leste na Gesta Danorum (The east in Gesta Danorum). In: II Ciclo Internacional de Estudos Antigos e Medievais e VIII Ciclo de Estudos Antigos e Medievais, 2006.
  • Cristianismo, Continuidade e Ruptura no Báltico Oriental nos Séculos XII-XIII In: II Ciclo Internacional de Estudos Antigos e Medievais e VIII Ciclo de Estudos Antigos e Medievais, 2006, Assis SP.

Publications intended for professional communities

Translation and Commentary

Textbooks and Activities books

  • Cosmovisão Bíblico-Cristà. Caderno de questões (Christian Biblical worldview. Activities book). Sao Paulo: Adventist University of Sao Paulo, forthcoming 2020. (Activities book)
  • História da Igreja Moderna e Contemporânea (History of Early Modern and Contemporary Church). Sao Paulo: Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo, forthcoming 2020. (Textbook for distance learning)
  • História da Teologia (History of Theology). Sao Paulo: Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo, 2018. (Textbook for distance learning)
  • História da Igreja Antiga e Medieval (History of Early and Medieval Church). Sao Paulo: Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo, 2018. (Textbook for distance learning)
  • História da Teologia (History of Theology). Sao Paulo: Baptist Theological Faculty of Sao Paulo, 2018. (Textbook for distance learning)
  • História medieval oriental. 1. ed. (Eastern Medieval History) São Paulo: Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, 2018. v. 1. 100p . (Textbook)
  • História Medieval: As transformações da Baixa Idade Média. Caderno de Atividades (Medieval History: The transformations in Late Middle Ages. Textbook). Valinhos: Anhanguera Educacional, 2015. (Textbook)
  • História Medieval: A antiguidade tardia e a transição para a Idade Média. Caderno de Atividades (Medieval History: Late Antiquity and the Transition to the Middle Ages. Textbook). Valinhos: Anhanguera Educacional, 2015 (Textbook).

Publications intended for the general public

  • Jaunas tendences Baltijas psaltērija pētniecībā: vai stīgu instrumenti Baltijas areālā parādijās vikingu iespaidā? (New trends in Baltic psaltery research: did stringed instruments appear in the Baltic area under the influence of the Vikings?) , Mūzikas Saule Nr.04 (108), 2022.
  • Kurši, os vikings do Báltico (Kurši, the Baltic Vikings) In Brazilian association of Latvian Culture <http://www.letoniabrasil.org/letonia/historialv/kursi-os-vikings-do-baltico>
  • A crônica da Livônia: uma primeira história letã (The chronicle of Livonia: a first Latvian history) In Brazilian association of Latvian Culture <http://www.letoniabrasil.org/letonia/a-cronica-da-livonia>
  • Mitologia Báltica I:Pērkons, o deus do trovão (Baltic Mythology I: Pērkons, the thunder-god). In Brazilian association of Latvian Culture <http://www.letoniabrasil.org/category/letonia/mitologia-leta>
  • Editorial. Notícias asgardianas, v. 10, p. 5-8, 2015.
  • Membro do NEVE pesquisa sítio de Grobina (Letônia) (Member of NEVE researches archaeological site in Grobina, Latvia) .In: <http://neve2012.blogspot.com.br/> 2014.
  • Runas e estelas rúnicas (Runes and runestones). In: Notícias Asgardianas, n 07. Dossiê “Runas e runologia”. ISSN 1679-9313 ( 2014).